Finding a Hairstylist

A session with the right hairstylist can be an exciting experience. They look at you and see it before it happens. They know what will look best on you, enhancing your most beautiful/ best features. Finding the right hairstylist for you can make that experience life fulfilling.

The Heartache Of Hairloss

For most people, hair is an integral part of themselves, so hair loss really represents losing a part of themselves and their self-image. Hair is also associated with youth, vitality and energy, so, for right or wrong most people consider people with hair more attractive. Is Hair Loss Normal? Daily inconsequential hair loss is considered…

How to Prevent Static in Hair

You are at a party and 15 minutes in the door your hair looks like someone rubbed a balloon over it. A few pieces of hair flailing free above the surface of your head. Toward the end of summer and into the winter months static will become more of a challenge, but it is manageable….

My favorite Tools

The world can be overwhelming at times, even when it comes to our hair. Well some things should not be so complicated. Let’s start with the tools we use to try and make your hair less overwhelming. A few of my favorite tools that I take with me everywhere are: Duck Bill Clips Great for sectioning…