Pregnancy Heartburn

The Pregnancy Heartburn is the burning and uncomfortable sensation in the center of the chest. It is very common in pregnant women and usually appears in the third trimester. Otherwise known as acid reflux or acid indigestion, most if not all women experience heartburn during pregnancy, and although it is harmless, this causes a great deal of discomfort to the pregnant women.

The Hormonal and Anatomical Factors

The burning sensation extends from the lower part of the breastbone and up to the lower part of the throat. This is caused due to the hormonal and anatomical changes that occur during pregnancy.


The Progesterone hormone is released during pregnancy, this hormone has a number of duties and one of them is to reduce spasm and relax smooth muscles. During pregnancy the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, being a smooth muscle is relaxed and therefore cannot prevent the stomach acids from returning into the esophagus.


During the third trimester the growing uterus induces pressure on the stomach and its organs and thus causes the acids to more easily return in to the esophagus. Due to the high acids released back up from the stomach to the esophagus, it causes inflammation.

Treating Pregnancy Heartburn with Reflexology

As a reflexologist I would start the treatment for heartburn at around week 24-25, by repeating pressure on the Respiratory System, Digestive System and the Endocrine System. Using these 3 Systems and applying hard pressure on the organs pushing them back into place, adding treatment on the 3 diaphragms (shoulder joints, diaphragm and os coxae). Using this method of treatment will reduce the effect, irritation and inflammation of the Heartburn.
At week 36 usually the heartburn stops, this is due to the fact that at this stage the fetus starts to turn over and make his way down , this will release the pressure on the stomach and organs around it, and putting pressure on the Anus, releasing the effect of the heartburn and causing possible Constipation

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Shalev Peer | Israel
Senior Reflexologist
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